Monday, February 23, 2009


About Me: I love film, it's everything to me. I believe the key ingredient to a film is emotion, that's all that matters in a movie. That's what I love about film. It’s exploriFont sizeng everything that goes into making the audience connect emotionally and exploring the human condition.

Hans Zimmer is the reason why I got into film. He is my idol to say the least. His music opened up something in me when I was a kid and ever since I’ve been in love with score and think it’s the most important aspect of a film. Hans pushes simplicity and he preaches that a score must be able to stand apart from the film, because if it doesn’t it’s merely just there to fill space. Listening to scores has taught me more about filmmaking than I thought possible; from structure to story arcs as well as mood and atmosphere. I have a bookshelf full of every Hans Zimmer CD released as well as every CD released from his collaborators. I can't count how many times Hans' music has made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I've been pretty much listening to nothing but scores my entire life. The marriage of image and sound is amazing to me. It's what separates film from any other art form. My mom says that Fantasia was the first movie I ever saw and I watched it intently from my baby rocker, so that could explain a lot.

Sergio Leone is my favorite director. The man knows how to craft a film. He uses long duration takes that have incredibly deep focus. I love films that let the images tell the story. They are masterpieces of cinema. Terrence Malick is a close second to me, watch The Thin Red Line and thank me later.

About The Blog: The blog will basically be a way for me to publish my score reviews, any articles and links to interesting stories going on in the industry. I'm not musically trained, I don't read or write music, I don't play any instrument so my view on scores will be from an aesthetic viewpoint.  I don't write film or DVD reviews anymore, but as a filmmaker I'll write on certain things that go on in current events as they come up.

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